Frequently asked questions
Got questions? I’ve got answers.
Online therapy is easy! As long as you are located anywhere within California or Texas we can meet online. All you will need is a computer or phone/tablet with a screen and a private place to talk. We will meet virtually via a HIPAA-secure platform for your 50 minute session.
At this time all my appointments are virtual to give you the best flexibility with your schedule
Therapy appointments are $175 for a 50 minute session. I do offer a sliding scale based on my availability for those that are unable to meet that financial requirement. At this time I do not accept insurance but would be happy to offer a Superbill you can submit to your insurance company to file for out-of-network benefits.
In your first session, we will begin to explore the pains or challenges you are facing. We will also spend a few minutes going over confidentiality of therapy and any other paperwork. Throughout therapy, we will work together to explore your concerns, identify what is impacting your mood, identify your strengths, and develop practical strategies for coping with these challenges. In our work, I will help you feel more in control of your life and not let anxiety get in the way any longer. My approach is non-judgmental, supportive, and focused on supporting you to feel more in control of stress or anxiety.
The duration of therapy depends on your individual needs and goals. Some people benefit from long-term therapy that lasts several months or even years while others may prefer a shorter time frame. I offer appointments on a weekly or biweekly basis based on your needs.
It's important to find a therapist with whom you feel comfortable with and who you can trust. If you don't feel a connection with me, it's okay to speak up and ask for a referral to another therapist who may be a better fit for you.
Have more questions? Ready to get started?